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Individual Silent Distant
or In-Person Frequency any self-sensing distant energy focus sending/detection, works by silently receiving knowledge information from Archangel Metatron, (path/intuition/channeled).


         Source Light Attunement        

Information Training Materials

 We must be open to receive the divine and most sacred counsel of the one true light, which directs and orchestrates every aspect of our being, as Source assists in our vibrational alignment. Expanding the vessel into divine truth connects with Source on a conscious level. Source Light Attunement assists your vessel in taking in more light. It does assist in divine synchronicity and manifestation. This brings you home within your being bringing alignment to all aspects of your earthly form. This assists in healing and alignment guiding you to your true path.  This allows the vessel to be more consciously and physically open with the magnificence of Source. Attunement initial connection is the opening and expansion into the light. We are all part of the Divine Plan and Ordered Universe. It is for us to be clear in mind ready to receive and experience, with participating surrender unto the One and to know who we are in this lifetime. This is an individual Journey through the experiences and feeling the realized changes, from the Light that Metatron's teaching presents. 

Metatronia is not the same as Reiki energy. The difference lies in the sacred Geometries of divine light. It is based on coding’s and frequencies that are changing and updated as they come through. It is an ever-changing frequency, one with Archangel Metatron at the forefront, guiding and nurturing, healing, and uplifting us. It is a conscious, living Light energy. Vibrantly alive as it links us directly to the One Source vibration. It cannot be manipulated or diluted. It is Source energy. As we are all at different stages of Ascension, this is very much about our unique integration connection with Archangel Metatron. There are no rituals, no rigid rules, no conforming. Just simple connection to Source that we feel as vibration within the physical vessel/body. Initially it can be very intense, it depends on the vessel (body/person) to whom the energies are being transmitted to, as their senses may detect. But over time this "transition period" shall we say will ease as you release, and your frequency is raised. This energy is still in its "infancy" with regards to mankind. Over time the energy transmissions will become finer so that the ripples are not felt so intensely but for now, as the frequency comes down, it is necessary to feel the ripples, feel the transitions. Fear not this process for you are divine, you are honored and deeply loved. How else can we show you how you are moving and opening, transcending, and lifting out of the 3D world and frequency/dimension that you have resided in for so long?  As you feel so you open, as you feel and experience, so you release. We ask that you stand in your light, have faith and trust, believe and be open to receive.

Archangel Metatron teaching's assist the balance of energies through sacred and bio-geometry.  This vibrational frequency energy of motion, orientation, sound, shape, and colors constructs a vibrational quality balancing energy fields.  Archangel Metatron teachings guided by Source Light strengthens our energy fields. As we move north-south axis energy field of the body/vessel, with angles formed links our individual axis with earths which constantly changes. This then strengthens or weakens our energy field, thought with focus (meditation) interacting daily can be aided by geometric visualization.  Trilogy Masters of Light enhance the biological systems. As humanity ascends, the Lightbody Vehicle is the energetic vibrational expansion to greater consciousness. Source Light works in unconditional love the connecting communication, for light crystalline coding, frequency, vibrations felt in highest dimensions.Then the Lightbody moves into higher energies strengthening, aligning, settling in levels as one’s awareness is consciously active to allow and match the movement of the ascension process.Unique, being in silence, higher Light through expansion, alters ascending growth through connections. Source Light through Metatron guides the vibrational integrations to transformation. This is a personal choice of frequencies, unique beyond familiar energies. Source Light genuinely balances energy patterns of biological systems, the vibrational clarity of the Divine Light evolutionary shift. When we work with Metatron especially in a healing capacity, the healing coding’s that come down to us come in many forms that make up the Adamantine particles of divine Source frequency/Light. They bring magnificent healing frequency to balance, rejuvenate, readjust and realign the physical vessel (human form). The light is assisting us in our light evolutionary process and through the sacred geometric light frequencies we begin to see an array of all that is brought to us as dancing rays of light.  Therefore, the healing is so profound as we are working with frequential coding’s that match our blueprint/fixed design and so bring us to a state of equilibrium within and often exceeding our expectations of who we are or who we believe we are within ourselves. Metatron unlocks the doorway for you to begin to see your true divine potential.


2a. Goddess Metatreiya Energy - Silent Distant Source Light Session - cost: $27.62 

Goddess Metatreiya energy supports additional physical combinations of our earthly dynamics a joining of both frequencies

A session is not a practitioner course.

Offered at this site


As a practicing professional with liability coverage always, depending, some accreditation affiliations may ask for Certification or other verification for status. Which provides an identifying professional level of training and establishes a professional identity.  For display as client support. Indicating the International certifying organizations quality of their training programs and membership standards..

The Goddess of Light Distant Energy Session of the Ascension process brings each individual their unique connection to the most Divine Feminine frequencies. Feeling unconditional love is the connecting vibrational frequency path for communication.Working deep into our biophysical matrix, so we sense the coding's of Light through our electromagnetic vibration, Goddess Metatreiya, working alongside Archangel Metatron, brings care, encouraging growth and development to the Human Vessel and more.  The Goddess Energy Session is set up distantly and you just lie down for up to 1 hour and are simply open to receive. It will also assist you in feeling that beautiful Sacred Goddess frequency. There are no words to describe this and it is a source of powerful light that a Woman holds within her and yet can be hidden for many reasons. It strengthens our connection to Mother Earth and all within the Universal Realms. It is also most beneficial for the Animal and Plant Kingdom. Goddess Metatreiya Incoming Highest Energy To Invisible is depicted by the star image below. Goddess Metatreiya  Energy with the highest unconditional devotion from Source Light. The session is open to those who wish to experience Divine Goddess frequencies. To book the Session contact me Metatron Attunements On the page lower right message box enter your information and session title, pay Buy Now cost:$27.62 record for your payment through Wix Payments. Message with your next day follow up, this is importantly your further validation of Intuitive Healing, as your response message is required (to qualify), I issue an email accreditation certificate of completion, after your next day message validation response (to qualify) acknowledgement (a time for you to share your attunement experience) for the Goddess Metatreiya Energy - Silent Distant Source Light Session.  A date and time will be set up for the distant session. Increase your water intake leading up to and after the session, for the actual Session release any and all expectations, lie down for up to 1 hour. Light of the Divine is assisting you, energy will settle.  First vibrational positioning is established on all levels within the physical vessel, for the Goddess frequency to assist codings of Light through our electromagnetic vibration. We sense this energy  through our electromagnetic vibration. There are no guarantees! You are responsible for designing/generating and issuing your own Session certificate and to maintain your own practitioner database and website. 
































2b. Goddess Metatreiya Energy Attunement - Silent Distant Source Light

Therapist/Practitioner Course - cost: $147.71  (United States Dollars)

Goddess Metatreiya energy supports additional physical combinations of our earthly dynamics a joining of both frequencies

Offered at this site

As a practicing professional with liability coverage always, depending, some accreditation affiliations may ask for Certification or other verification for status.

Details - Information - Training Materials

 (You must have completed the META Attunement beforehand). Energy Trainers may offer in person or distant energy sessions and attune others to Goddess Metatreiya Light at this level in a professional Therapist/Practitioner capacity. (Practitioner/Teacher certificate is issued). Before an appointment you can meditate, the time of appointment with intention on your client, you are the path from Highest Source Light Frequency Vibration to client, as Metatron, he is the Attuner and leading it. Feeling unconditional love is the connecting vibrational frequency path for communication.

Offered at this site, to book the Attunement contact me Metatron Attunements On the page lower right message box enter your information and course title, pay Buy Now cost: $147.71 when your payment through Wix Payments is received, I issue an email accreditation certificate of completion, after (to qualify) your next day message validation response (to qualify) acknowledgement (a time for you to share your attunement experience) for the Goddess Metatreiya Silent Distant Energy Attunement.

 Her energy is not limited, as she works alongside Archangel Metatron of the sacred geometric integration Ascension Coding’s that are the blueprint of all life. From Source, Archangel Metatron is the chosen provider with Ascension dynamics; Goddess Metatreiya energy works not exclusively on all physical and clarifying aspects of our vessel’s dynamics.  Source Light Sovereign Authority works with individuals each in unique ways conforming to each divine design. For assisting the Ascension process this Holistic complete combining of Divine Feminine and Masculine is for greater unity felt in the vessel.  Initially in all levels must be vibrational alignment in the physical vessel, then Ascension coding integration the vessel physically, emotionally, and mentally being ready for transition beyond physical dimensions. Within frequency and alignment of Divine Coding’s there is vast transformation, that supports all aspects for each unique vessel. There are no guarantees! No other Attunements should be undertaken within a 4-week period once you embark on this training. This is to allow for the vibrational expansion and integration and also to honor the frequency. A date and time will be set up for the distant session. Increase your water intake leading up to and after the session, for the actual Session release any and all expectations, lie down for up to 1 hour. Light of the Divine is assisting you; energy will settle. We sense this energy through our electromagnetic vibration. Goddess Metatreiya Her Incoming Highest Energy To Invisible is depicted by the star image below. You will also require the GM Energy Therapist Blank Certificate Template if you wish to attune others as META Practitioners. You are required to maintain your own practitioner database and website. Attuned students will need An email for drop box and also need Practitioner/Teacher certificate templates.

























​Expansion Frequency Meditation






























Goddess Metatreiya Introduction Source is: Tammy L Majchrzak, Divine Metaphysics Consultant, Founder, and the  Main MT website .

Tammy L Majchrzak Blogs . â€‹


                                                                                 A little about Metatronia Foundation of Light

                                                                                                     Information - Training

To assist in your awakening and ascension process is the healing frequency we bring to you. We are here to connect, guide, and assist you in the many dimensions from the light shown even in the darkest of places.  From the shining Divine Light your soul can grow into connections possibly thought of in real dreams, with you being open to receiving, trust, and believe, then now is the time. Metatronia Foundation of Light is Source High-Frequency Quantum Light - Electro-medicine, assisting the Ascension Alignment.  From Archangel Metatron, the attunement aligns you with the Divine light and conscious vibration of One.  As an individual mind, It aligns and heals the ego separated-mind, from perceiving the split mind matrix, delivering the Ascension Coding's to return the mind to the Divine Mind of One, the Source.  Through Frequencies, Energies, Vibrations, and Light Coding integration of Metatron teachings, it offers one the opportunity of re-integrating the One Consciousness, assisted by Metatronia Foundation of Light. You are your own best healer when the mind is healed.  From a healed mind Divine Grace in the path of forgiveness is emanated in your presence assisting healing and alignment of other-selves. Unconscious becomes conscious and the separation becomes unification. Metatronia Foundation of Light is involvement in Bioenergetics the energy flow through living systems – the Energy transformation with human systems from connection with multi-dimensional vibrational energy – that aligns the human vessel with true light the blueprint required for Ascension. Metatronia Foundation of Light re-aligns you, as the extension of Source energy that you are, to your original Source Frequency. As well, as reintegrates the Metatronic Consciousness within you and corrects the electron spin field, to pure positive energy. This then aligns to anchor and embody the Divine Light of the One that you are, within the holographic matrix. Metatron aligns, corrects, and unwinds the perceptions of the mind that has perceived the self as separated and fragmented, and offers an accelerated opportunity of re-alignment to the Pure Inscription of Light of Source that you are. It cannot be manipulated or controlled, altered, or diluted. Metatron will guide you through every step in your journey with Divine Universal free-flowing changing, altering, transforming energy Light vibration, so know that and trust through your awakening journey. 4. Videos - Links - Metatron - Thoth - Research Information - Applicable Training


Goddess Metatreiya Energy with Tammy Majchrzak


                                                                            Part of My Attunement, Individual Light Journey, and Feeling.


One evening while lying down relaxed with my eyes closed.


Spinning began from upper right forward to lower left in rapid circle repetitions.  Then standing and suddenly surrounded by endless black darkness, red and brown many pointed star shapes began to form then spin coming nearer.  A brilliant gold star stopped next to me replaced by a surround of sparkling clear crystal. Now standing with dim light to my left I felt an impact on my left upper arm.  With the same impact intensity, I now felt this intensity become overall, then it stopped.


A thought separate from mine came to me, Which planets do you like? As I  viewed red, yellow, and light aqua blue planets to my right while I passed by them.  I was swept into the area I know of as Mars, there were countless colorful planets lit from behind.


Memories of my life came back into my thoughts daily connecting situations and then were gone. Memories were replaced daily with past actions of others, many resulting in events near and far, realized by myself then cleared as expansion continues.  Just as quickly as memories were realized they were replaced by a fast incoming knowledge of daily to distant activities.  Soft overall electric spikes have subsided to slightly noticeable hand tingling, resulting in a better skin circulation. Again a thought separate from mine came to me, “I am for much more than awakening.” I feel that was Metatron responding to my notice of my improved overall physical health.


A thought separate from mine came to me, “Everything going with you will go instantly.” These communications are heard as silent fast energy vibration.  An area of my brain shares sensory vibration wave signals of combination and intensity levels, appearing silent to the outside world.  It is an internal extension of my cognition, a shared boundary for information exchange. All systems are continually moving in combinations and frequency levels, there is no ceiling to this science. I am continually expanding my knowledge and understanding, to learn and grow through God's placement of Metatron Light, linked by Metatronia Therapy. My journey continues with clarity and wellness, I look forward to every day.


My attunement of Metatron Light Link by Tammy is a welcome ongoing Metatronia Therapy success.  Thank you, Tammy, for all levels of this real and true connection, Janett Wawrzyniak


Photograph of Metatron's Cube (Dodecahedron – Aether) gold and black altar cloth with my crystal grid in place. On cloth center - metaphysical properties of Congo citrine cluster obelisk - enhances concentration and revitalizes Quartz crystal points - receives, activates, stores transmits and amplifies energy, Amethyst roughs - helps achieve higher states of awareness, Herkimer diamond roughs - raises levels of psychic abilities as clairvoyance, spiritual vision, telepathy, links to guidance from higher dimensions. On black Marble tabletop - enhances clarity, meditation, dream recall and mastery of thought, Shungite crystal pyramid - shields from electromagnetic radiation, absorbs negative energy and removes it, Tanzanite crystal volcanic glass - clarity, shields, blocks psychic attack and absorbs negative environment energies, Congo citrine cluster obelisk - enhances concentration and revitalizes, Herkimer diamonds - raises levels of psychic abilities as clairvoyance, spiritual vision, telepathy, links to guidance from higher dimensions Entered by Janett Wawrzyniak. Of the fifth Platonic solid, the dodecahedron, Plato remarked, "...God used it for arranging the constellations on the whole heaven". Aristotle added a fifth element, aithÄ“r (aether in Latin, "ether" in English), and postulated that the heavens were made of this element.





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Pink Purple Blue White Illustrated Under
Love Frequency Meditation
00:00 / 14:16
Expansion Frequency
00:00 / 10:05
Pink Purple Blue White Illustrated Under
Pink Purple Blue White Illustrated Under
Pink Purple Blue White Illustrated Under

Crystal Dodecahedron with regular pentagons as faces, which is a Platonic solid.


The Final Stellation of the Icosahedron In geometry, the complete or final stellation of the icosahedron is the outermost stellation of the icosahedron, and is "complete" and "final" because it includes all of the cells in the icosahedron's stellation diagram.

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Pink Purple Blue White Illustrated Under the Sea Thank You Teacher Card (34)_edited.png
Love Frequency Meditation

Individual Silent Distant is available. In-Person is not available from this website currently due to Covid-19 State of Emergency, Executive orders, clusters, lockdowns, checkpoints, reported waves of Coronavirus, and social distancing is also complied with and other contingencies.

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